Configuring WebServer & Python Interpreter on Docker Container

Task 7.2

  1. Configuring Webserver (HTTPD) Server on Docker Container.
  2. Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container.

All setup is going under the docker container.

docker pull httpd
docker run -it — name python-os httpd

httpd is the webserver rpm provided by apache.

yum install httpd net-tools -y

net-tools rpm provides ifconfig and netstat commands.

By default, systemctl doesn't support inside a docker container.

systemctl behind call /usr/sbin/httpd or httpd


To check is web server service is running or not.

netstat -tnlp

Run this command in the BaseOS.

Otherwise, you can run curl inside docker or outside docker container to see the output.

By default, we have Python Interpreter.




Neeraj Singh Negi

AWS | Openstack | GCP | Ansible | Redhat 8 Linux | Docker | Jenkins | Kubernetes | Hadoop | Python | Machine Learning